How to unlock Fujitsu-Siemens bios Password
If you have a Fujitsu Siemens 5 Decimal digits example 07437, we will give you the possibility for you to remove the password from BIOS
- Power on your laptop and wait for the password screen
- Enter the wrong password three times
- You will receive System disabled code from which the password can be calculated.
- Please Type your System Disabled example see picture ( 07437)
- In this case, System Disabled key is 5 digit decimal ( 07437)
- Fill the fields below: your email , your System Disabled
- After this, click on the Send button to send at us the information
- Then, after sending the necessary information, proceed with payment at Buy Now With PayPal.
- After payment processing, your master password will be sent immediately (to your email and PayPal email address)
- After you receive the password turn off and ON again laptop and put your password
Price for unlock 1 unit Fujitsu 5 Decimal digits password is: $ 6.00 |
If you have a Fujitsu Siemens 8 hexadecimal digits example PEA1BE6F, we will give you the possibility for you to remove the password from BIOS
- Power on your laptop and wait for the password screen
- Enter the wrong password three times
- You will receive System disabled code from which the password can be calculated.
- Please Type your System Disabled example see picture (PEA1BE6F)
- In this case, System Disabled key is 8 digit hexadecimal ( PEA1BE6F)
- Fill the fields below: your email , your System Disabled
- After this, click on the Send button to send at us the information
- Then, after sending the necessary information, proceed with payment at Buy Now With PayPal.
- After payment processing, your master password will be sent immediately (to your email and PayPal email address)
- After you receive the password turn off and ON again laptop and put your password
Price for unlock 1 unit Fujitsu 8 Decimal digits password is: $ 6.00 |
If you have a Fujitsu Siemens 5×4 hexadecimal digits example 3676-2286-1763-4593-3065, we will give you the possibility for you to remove the password from BIOS
- Power on your laptop and wait for the password screen
- Enter the wrong password three times
- You will receive System disabled code from which the password can be calculated.
- Please Type your System Disabled example see picture ( 3676-2286-1763-4593-3065)
- In this case, System Disabled key is 5×4 hexadecimal ( 3676-2286-1763-4593-3065)
- Fill the fields below: your email , your System Disabled
- After this, click on the Send button to send at us the information
- Then, after sending the necessary information, proceed with payment at Buy Now With PayPal.
- After payment processing, your master password will be sent immediately (to your email and PayPal email address)
- After you receive the password turn off and ON again laptop and put your password
Price for unlock 1 unit Fujitsu 5×4 hexadecimal password is: $ 8.00 |
If you have a Fujitsu Siemens 24 characters 6×4 example ( 0F17-0703-4107-1652-5582-0195) we will give you the possibility for you to remove the password from BIOS
- Power on your laptop and wait for the password screen
- Enter the following strings: “3hqgo3“, “jqw534” and “0qww294e” in the exact order, following each of them by pressing the <Enter> key.
- You will receive System disabled code from which the password can be calculated.
- Please Type your System Disabled example see picture ( 0F17-0703-4107-1652-5582-0195)
- In this case, System Disabled key is 24 chars ( 0F17-0703-4107-1652-5582-0195)
- Fill the fields below: your email , your System Disabled
- After this, click on the Send button to send at us the information
- Then, after sending the necessary information, proceed with payment at Buy Now With PayPal.
- After payment processing, your master password will be sent immediately (to your email and PayPal email address)
- After you receive the password turn off and ON again laptop and put your password
- VERY IMPORTANT:Do not power off the computer once you provide us with a password. There’s a unique password for every system disabled.Don’t turn off your notebook, don’t restart it, don’t enter anything except generated code.
Price for unlock 1 unit Fujitsu 6X4 password is: $ 15.00 |
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